Why you should get involved: Global warming

Imagine you have a cup of coffee. When you finish it, you throw it out. It misses the garbage and you leave it there. You might not care about it then, but little do you know that in 20 years, that little cup could effect you, and the generations ahead of us. Global warming. Slowly, it’s eating away at the earth all because of us. Humans.

What is global warming?

Global warming is pollution, climate change, animal extinction, and greenhouse gases (GHG). Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the Earth to get warmer. Carbon dioxide is the leading contributor followed by; methane, other gases, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases.

How is Canada involved?

I know for sure that Canada has enforced a law for idling, which will keep the pollution rate down, although it is still through the roof. Also, the government of Canada is working on leaning the world towards decreasing our “carbon footprint”.


Why should Canada be involved? 

We have been ignoring this horrid cause for years and it’s time to make a change. Global warming causes so much of the reason why our home (Earth) is getting sicker and sicker. What’s your favourite animal? Well, I think that polar bears are pretty cute and I would hate to see them go extinct. But, if we don’t stop global warming, then I’m afraid that’ll happen.


Why is Canada involved?

As a Canadian citizen, Canada is involved because our Earth is getting sicker and sicker by the minute. AND, let’s face it. Canada is so nice! Anyways I have a question to leave with you. What will you do to help?